The technical meeting of the MIA-led working group ‘Border Management and Security’ within the framework of the Moldova Support Platform was held on September 6th, 2023 at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Jointly with representatives from embassies and international organizations based in the Republic of Moldova, the following were analyzed: state of preparations for the October event, projects submitted, progress made and needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the framework of the working group ‘Border Management and Security’. The partners appreciated the dynamic growth in the implementation of the projects and noted as positive the impact of the projects at both national and regional level.
‘Thanks to the multidimensional support provided through the Moldova Support Platform, we have effectively managed the flow of refugees, provided relevant protection to refugees, minimized the negative impact of power outages and reduced the impact of energy price fluctuations.’ noted State Secretary Andrei Cecoltan, who chaired the meeting.
The aim of the Platform is to mobilise, focus and coordinate political, technical and financial support to Moldova by providing immediate assistance as well as in-depth expertise from EU institutions and member states, G7 countries, international financial institutions, international organisations and other development partners.