The Republic of Moldova has been included in the monitoring procedure, launched in Februarie 2022 by the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), following the entry into force of the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
In this context, State Secretary Daniella Misail-Nichitin participated in the working meeting with GREVIO Group of Experts, who are on an assessment mission on this issue in the Republic of Moldova during January 30th – Februarie 3rd, 2023.
The EU candidate status and the Ministry’s Roadmap for European Integration drive the institution to create fast, modern and accessible services, including in the area of fighting violence against women.
Thus, the MIA has focused its efforts on ensuring a safe environment for victims of domestic violence and ensuring that aggressors are held accountable and punished accordingly. In order to achieve these prerogatives, the MIA’s priority is to implement protective measures for victims, namely encouraging the reporting of domestic violence cases, ensuring the prompt intervention of police officers, jointly with the multidisciplinary team, requesting the application of restraining orders and holding aggressors accountable in case of order’s violation.
In addition to the work of the Commission for the analysis and monitoring of domestic violence cases resulting in death or serious bodily harm to victims, the Methodology and Working Instructions for Joint Intervention Teams in cases of sexual violence have been finalised, following the approval by the Parliament at the end of the previous year, in final reading, of the draft law on ensuring the rights of victims of sexual offences and domestic violence.
The Family Justice Centre, which will become operational in 2023, will also ensure efficient and timely investigations through services provided.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to work towards implementing the provisions of the Istanbul Convention and ensuring safety in communities.