MIA and UNFPA signed a Memorandum of Collaboration for the next four years

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) signed, on October 9, a Memorandum of Understanding for the period 2023-2027, through which they will expand collaboration to strengthen the capacities of the police system in responding to cases of violence gender-based, including sexual violence and the development of prevention and support services for survivors of violence. At the same time, the Memorandum provides for the continuation of support actions for the medical service of the MIA in order to improve reproductive health services for employees in the internal affairs system.

According to the Memorandum, UNFPA will collaborate with the MIA for the multisectoral training of specialists from units within the police bodies in qualitative assistance in cases of sexual violence. In this sense, specialized training will be provided for intersectoral collaboration with the health system, to provide qualitative support, focused on the needs of the victims of sexual abuse and the prevention of associated health risks, including the transmission of HIV and other infections.

The agreement also provides for the expansion of the partnership with UNFPA for the development of services within the Family Justice Center of the General Police Inspectorate. UNFPA will support the development of health and psychological assistance services for the Center’s beneficiaries, as well as support for improving the multisectoral response in the field.

An important direction will also be the involvement of community police and young people in joint activities and campaigns to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, including digital violence, promoting gender equality, but also supporting tools for obtaining quality statistical data about population dynamics to improve the country’s demographic policies.